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Ramnavmi & Swaminarayan Jayanti


Chaitra Sud Navmi - a pivotal day in our calendars, celebrating the birth of Lord Shree Ram and Lord Shree Swaminarayan.

As we celebrate this day, let us not forget the immeasurable impact both Lord Ram and Lord Swaminarayan had on this Earth, with both cleaning up our Bharatkand of evil and ensuring that good will always prevail.

Join us on Wednesday 17th April from 6:00pm onwards for an unmissable evening!

Tune in live for the Pragatya Aarti of Shree Ram Bhagwan at 10.30am

6:00pm - Palki
6:30pm - Sandhya Aarti
7:30pm - Pragatya Aarti & Raas

Jay Shree Swaminarayan!
Jay Shree Ram!
